• Heavy rainfall is predicted for Sabaragamuwa,
Southern and Western provinces during 17th - 21st Sept. Greater likelihood of dry
tendency than normal is predicted in the southern SL from October to
• Fairly heavy rains were experienced in
the Western,
Sabaragamuwa, Southern & North Western provinces with max of 91.7 mm in Ratnapura
district on 15th September.
• From 7th - 13th September: up to 15 km/h from
experienced over the island.
• Sea surface temperature was observed above
0.5℃ to the South and West of Sri Lanka and neutral to the rest.
14-day prediction:NOAA NCEP models:
From 15th – 21st September:
Total rainfall by Provinces
- 115 mm - Sabaragamuwa
- 105 mm - Southern, Western
- 95 mm - Central
- 85 mm - Uva
- 75 mm - North Western
- 65 mm - Eastern
- 45 mm - North Central
- 35 mm - Northern
From 22nd – 28th September:
Total rainfall by Provinces:
- 105 mm - Sabaragamuwa
- 95 mm - Southern, Western
- 85 mm - Central
- 65 mm - North Western, Uva
- 45 mm - Eastern, North Central
- 35 mm - Northern
MJO based OLR predictions:
For the next 15 days:
MJO shall be active,
thus giving slightly enhanced rainfall during 17th – 29th September.
Ocean State (Text Courtesy IRI)
Pacific Sea Sate: September 8, 2021
Equatorial SSTs were below average in parts of
the eastern Pacific Ocean and near average across the rest of the Pacific Ocean
in early-September and most key
atmospheric variables were ENSO –Neutral condition. A large majority of the model forecasts
predict ENSO-neutral likely to continue through the Northern Hemisphere summer.
Indian Sea Sate
Sea surface
temperature was observed above 0.5℃ to the South and West of Sri
Lanka and neutral to the rest.
During the last two weeks, there had been fairly heavy rainfall over the following
Provinces: Sabaragamuwa, Western, North-Western and Southern.
Southwesterly winds prevailed in the sea area and around the island
during last week.
The temperature
anomalies were near-neutral for the whole country last week – driven by the
warm SST’s.
During the next week (17th – 21st
September) heavy rainfall is predicted for Sabaragamuwa, Southern and Western provinces.
The temperature remains slightly normal for September.
During 17th – 25th September, the temperature
remains high especially in the Eastern, Northern, North Central and Uva
La Nina -The SST
forecast indicates that the La Niña event has transitioned to ENSO-neutral
and will likely remain so through the boreal summer.
MJO shall be
active, thus giving slightly enhanced
rainfall during
17th – 29th September.
Seasonal Precipitation:
October to December is
the main rainfall season in Sri Lanka. The consensus has switched from neutral
to having a dry tendency. If so, it can
hurt agriculture adding to fertilizer bans and hydro-power generation, given $
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