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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Weekly Hydro-meteorological Report, 20 December 2012


Monitoring and Prediction
Rainfall accumulation of more than 135 mm is expected for the 19th-25thDecember in the eastern half of the island. The monthly predictions point to high rainfall for the period of 20th- 21st of December in the Western slopes and thereafter rainfall shall decrease with time in the Island but considerable amount of rainfall shall persists till 15th of January.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Heavy Rains shall continue in Sri Lanka

Weekly Hydro-meteorological Report, 13 December 2012


Monitoring and Prediction
Monitoring: Rainfall accumulation of upto 135 mm is expected for the 12-18th in the eastern sea board. The monthly predictions point to high rainfall between 16-21st of December in the Western slopes but lower amounts in the rest of the country.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekly Hydro-meteorological Report, 06 December 2012


Monitoring and Prediction
Monitoring: Heavy rains have persisted in Sri Lanka since the start of October – this as expected during a positive Indian Ocean Dipole mode phase (with warmer sea surfaces in the Arabian seas). Prediction: Rainfall shall be higher than normal for the rest of November. During December, since the IOD influence is minimal, the rainfall is likely to be near normal. Warmer than normal temperatures persist due to the warm Arabian sea surface anomalies.

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